Wait, wait, weight…

In Life, how many times have you bowed out of attending certain events with family and friends or shied away from pool parties or swimming dates with potential love interests due to your weight !? Perhaps felt looked over for a job because of it or dreaded having to Crisco your ass in a seat at a Sporting event. The uneasiness of just the thought was, alone, more than you could handle. I get it. Don’t I get it.

I got to a point, after a major personal tragedy in my Life, where I had to choose to use how I felt regarding this experience as FUEL INSTEAD OF FIRE! We are only here once and your Overall Health & Weight is the ONLY thing in Life that we personally have 100% TOTAL Control over…. So what would ever possess me to NOT work my ass off &  do a bang-up job at it! No one will ever want this more than you.