Eating beyond hunger

It doesn’t  take a Rocket Scientist to realize why most of us eat ,beyond hunger. We are, for whatever reason, filling a void. Emotional Eating is a filthy slut and I couldn’t slip under her sheets anymore! Besides, after going to school for Nutrition and realizing all the “food-like” ingredients we ingest are driving us full speed ahead to Cancerville, I cleaned out my cupboards and cleaned up my act. Clean Eating and being Active on the Healthiest of Levels , is the ONLY way to truly Live.

Although Life is a Maze and a lifelong beautiful Journey. In every Journey, there is no shortage of Struggles. It keeps us human.

Angryworkoutgirl started her personal Journey at 267lbs and fresh off the heels of losing a newborn son… on Mother’s Day. And after a lot of time and being blessed with an amazing support system, I was able to rebuild. I will always be rebuilding, Rebuilding and Growing!

We, as women, all have our reasons for growth and its origin is usually pain. Pain and discomfort. Angryworkoutgirl wants to be your Social Support because we need it. We need it and …I get it!

Female Empowerment is the fiercest element of most Journeys I’ve been lucky enough to be apart of and I am Inspired daily by all of you! Time to embrace our “Finally.”

Let’s Eat Cleaner, Train Meaner, Rest Well, Stop eating bullshit Poison, more dedicated Meal Prepping and Food Logging and overall… being Strong enough to get Our shit together, sweat a little and fully blossom into the Healthiest, Purest and Happiest versions of ourselves through Accountabilty!! Let’s Inspire the World !